Herbal Treatment of Anxiety Disorders & ADHD
Anxiety disorders are some of the most common mental health conditions affecting children, teenagers and adults worldwide, and yet are frequently under-diagnosed. They also often occur in conjunction with other mental health conditions, and their management can be very challenging.
ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterised by difficulties in focusing, and sometimes hyperactivity and impulsiveness. When untreated, it can contribute to academic underachievement, unemployment, substance use and relationship challenges, and sometimes unhealthy behaviours.
With increasing constraints on mainstream health services and often limitations of drug medications now widely prescribed for these common conditions, a more integrative and self-care based approach is needed.
Fortunately we have many phytomedicines with anxiolytic, cognitive supportive, stress insulating and other beneficial effects, and which can be useful as either stand alone or adjunctive treatments, for those experiencing either an anxiety disorder, or ADHD.
In this presentation Phil will review each condition, summarise current drug-based approaches, and evaluate the evidence for useful actions for a large number of phytomedicines. He will also include case studies and incorporate some practical information regarding the clinical management of such conditions.