Ethical considerations and challenges for academic research on Indigenous Traditional Medicine – Canadian Herb Conference

Ethical considerations and challenges for academic research on Indigenous Traditional Medicine

Ethical considerations and challenges for academic research on Indigenous Traditional Medicine

20 minutes pre-record 

Research projects involving traditional knowledge are finding new ways of dealing with intellectual property rights and commercialization. Influenced by calls for fair and equitable protocols involving access and benefit sharing regimes, researchers are developing new standards of practice. Here we explore the process by which the CIHR Team in Aboriginal Antidiabetic Medicine (TAAM) came to address these issues within the scope of participatory action research. Methodology: A case study method is applied in order to highlight key events and topics. The legally binding research agreement developed for this project is used to illustrate examples of how the needs of First Nations stakeholders and of researchers are met. Findings:  Strong research partnerships are characterized by accountability, adaptability, transparency, good and frequent communication and ultimately, trust. Researchers should be prepared to take a more “human” approach in their studies as the establishment of personal relationships are as important as the research itself. Proposals should include both monetary and intangible outcomes where possible, which reflect aboriginal culture and decision. Practical Implications: This paper can help others to understand the needs of First Nations with regards to research. It also provides links to protocols and the legal research agreement used by TAAM that can serve as an adaptable template for future work. Value: Publicising the research agreement and experiences herein is meant to contribute to a body of knowledge that will one day lead to new research norms when dealing with aboriginal peoples and traditional knowledge.

learning objectives

  • How to protect Indigenous Traditional knowledge in an academic setting?

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