Cara Gwizd – Canadian Herb Conference
Cara Gwizd

Cara Gwizd

Herbalist, Naturopathic Medical Student

Cara’s childhood landscape was one composed of the plant allies and herbal traditions that had accompanied her grandmother, a member of the Polish diaspora, on her passage to Canada. It was this foundational knowledge in botanical medicines and a passion for women’s health that led her to training/working as both a modern and traditional midwife in the United States and Guatemala. After stepping away from midwifery, it was her formal study of traditional herbalism that compelled her to complete an undergraduate degree in Health sciences and Psychology at Queen's University. Despite commencing her Naturopathic Medical studies at CCNM, Cara has deferred her studies to attain her MHSc. degree at Western University. Outside of academia, Cara maintains a private herbal practice that focuses on addressing stored/residual trauma within the body, with a special emphasis on holistic well-woman care. When not serving others, Cara tends to both her family and her small-scale herb farm in Southwestern, Ontario.