Dr. Christina Weir – Canadian Herb Conference
Dr. Christina Weir

Dr. Christina Weir

Naturopathic Doctor

Dr. Christina Weir, ND has a naturopathic clinic and practice in Qualicum Beach, BC. She is the mother of two young children and lives and works on her 10 acre farm with her husband when outside of her clinical practice. Dr. Weir uses a blend of her training from western medicine while maintaining the naturopathic philosophies of mind-body-spirit in patient interactions. Certified in the therapy of Compassionate Inquiry Dr. Weir helps patients identify underlying mental-emotional patterns contributing to their symptoms and uses a blend of herbal medicine, homeopathy and mind-body techniques to facilitate shifting. She uses her connection to the natural world to hold a deeply grounded space and her connection to mother earth to keep her focused. In her naturopathic practice she has particular interest in the treatment of chronic infections, immune dysregulation and toxicities such as mold, heavy metals and endocrine disruptors. She has an extensive herbal dispensary of tinctures and teas and formulates regularly for her patients. On the farm she grows vegetables, fruit and herbs. She stays entertained by her goats, alpacas, chickens and children and is working towards creating a healing centre on the land. To date she has hosted several workshops herself and has welcomed healers from afar to facilitate traditional ceremony.

Friday, November 15th
2:15 pm - 3:30 pm
Channel 2