Dr. Karley Denoon, ND is the Founder and Medical Director of Wild Heart Therapies and Farmacy. She focuses much of her practice now on early detection and prevention of disease. In 2019 Dr Denoon was recruited by the first biohacking facility in Canada , Aeon Future Health, to help develop preventative health screening programs with quantifiable metrics to follow over time to watch, track and improve Canadian’s most common areas of risk before they lead to the most prevalent preventable disease(s). She has focused continuing education on leading edge cardiovascular and metabolic interventions through the academy of anti-aging medicine ( A4M). Her favourite part of her practice is figuring out what is going on in the body. She often re-evaluates previous diagnosis, challenges labels, and always does her own investigation through the use of her clinical experience, unique functional lens and hard data such as laboratory testing and imaging. Dr Denoon has a strong passion for herbal/botanical medicine, and has a passion for her medicine garden on her farm. She often works with and refers to other practitioners, primary care providers or medical specialists, and works hard to maintain respectful and intentional relationships with these valued practitioners.