Registered Acupuncturist, Medical Qigong Therapist (DMQ Candidate), Herbalist
Michel work career began as an aircraft maintenance engineer with the military. Inspiration led to a major change in 1993 which opened into studies in Western herbal medicine, shiatsu, Ki Aikido, and ultimately Chinese medicine and most recently medical Qi gong. As an acupuncturist, Michel has also incorporated other healing phylosophies, some ancient and some contemporary. This includes Esoteric Acupuncture, transformational medicine, Emotional Freedom Technique, and Psychology of Vision. His practice focuses on the exploration of the body-mind-spirit continuum, specifically addressing chronic pain and illness as opening windows into the deeper realms of the subconscious mind. Michel is also now teaching medical Qigong in the Comox Valley and in Alberta to aspiring practitioners and therapists. He will be sharing with the herb conference participants the basic healing workout developed by professor Jerry Alan Johnson.