Savayda Jarone – Canadian Herb Conference
Savayda Jarone

Savayda Jarone

Registered Herbal Practitioner

Savayda Jarone has been on the plant path for 30 years. She is Nova Scotian, residing on the rugged Eastern Shore where she tends her herbal teaching garden. She operates a herbal clinic and apothecary in Halifax, also home to her school, the Bloom Institute of Holistic Living & Learning, a hub for herbal and health education in the Maritimes. She is now in her 23rd year of clinical practice, specializing in women’s health, baby/child care, digestion, immune health, stress, and endocrine balance. She is a Fertility Awareness educator, helping women and couples to plan or prevent pregnancy naturally. The Bloom Institute offers year-long, herbal foundations programs, levels 1-3, and a training clinic for clinical herbalist students to gain practicum hours. Savayda has always been an enthusiastic promoter of the profession of herbal medicine, working as a founding member of the Canadian Council of Herbalist Associations since its birth in 2005, as well as an active member of the Herbalist Association of Nova Scotia since 2002.