Stephen Taylor – Canadian Herb Conference
Stephen Taylor

Stephen Taylor


Steve has been practicing herbal medicine Since 1994. His desire to train as a herbalist came out of a passion for nature and its healing properties. He has a passion for learning about British native flora and its traditional uses, and worked on a ten year project with the Royal Botanical Society gathering memories of traditional plant use. He has since published research on traditional fresh herbal poultices for leg ulcers. He has also studied African traditional healing, and undertook a 5 year apprenticeship as a traditional African healer. Steve is now part of a revival of the ancient Humoral system of medicine, he has helped to kick start the return of this traditional viewpoint through his book ‘The Humoral herbal’. He is a herbal mentor, storyteller, full time tutor on the Heartwood Herbal practitioners course, and teaches and runs workshops. He also continues to practice in Chichester full time.