This walk will take place in the high elevation forest of the Pedro Creek area, accessible via a logging road a short 4-minute drive from Emery Herbals.
The drive up the logging road is estimated to take approximately 45 minutes, though this can vary. The road is traversable by vehicles like a Subaru Forester, but low-slung 2WD cars are not recommended due to the numerous switchbacks. Drivers should be prepared to gear down for the descent.
The walk will cover a diverse range of plants, transitioning from hemlock and cedar forests at lower elevations to Engelmann spruce near the lake. Participants will encounter plants specific to these higher elevations, including Sitka Valerian (), Arnica, Osha, Baneberry, and Pedicularis. Yellow pond lilies () thrive in the lake. Familiar plants from lower elevations, such as Green Alder (), Mountain Ash (), and Vaccinium species (blueberries), will also be observed. Patches of Devil’s Club () are present along the lower road.
All proceeds from the Alpine Herb Walk will be donated to the Slocan River Streamkeepers.
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