Jamie Black


Like many, Jamie wears many different… pairs of shoes. Yes, shoes. Jamie is an outdoor guide, consultant, Behavior Interventionist, Artist, Dancer, Singer-Songwriter, Producer, and practices healing through modalities including Guided Drum Journeys, Earthing, Wild Crafting, and Theatrical Play. Newly dabbling in the wonders of Narrative Therapy, Jamie has been in service to young people and the Earth for decades, working with place-conscious ecological practices and role-play adventures. With an MA in Environmental Education and Communication and over 20 years in the field, Jamie has come to understand the importance of play, rosy cheeks, and a connection to the Earth. When the time is right, intimate connection with plant medicine and conscious practices of honoring the Earth only become relevant with internal motivation. Jamie believes this is fostered with a little Hummingbird Approach, a pedagogy Jamie built from the shoulders of giants.


Reciprocity – A Practice of Community Solidarity