Finding a Heartfelt Herbal Vocation: Lessons from my Plant Path – Canadian Herb Conference
2024 VIHG

Finding a Heartfelt Herbal Vocation: Lessons from my Plant Path

Join Dr. Marisa Marciano as she walks you through the various roles held along her plant path over the past decade, and lessons learned along the way. From student, to Doctor, to teacher, to medicine maker and into motherhood – Marisa will discuss the various successes and failures she’s met along the way while navigating clinical practice, authoring a herbal textbook, social media, consulting for big and small herbal corporations, community outreach, and her current venture into tincture compounding. Come with your questions and for an honest and open discussion about herbal stewardship, imposter syndrome, finding your place in the herbal arena, and how plants have unlimited potentially to support us physically, mentally, personally and professionally.

3 Learning Objectives:
• Learn from direct experience about a variety of professional roles available within the world of herbs and how to choose and trust which path to follow.
• Gain insights into the potential advantages and disadvantages of being in the “business of botanicals”, running a clinical practice, herbal product development, and building a life that supports your needs and well-being while being a steward to the plant world.
• Glean lessons from Nature and the art of medicine making to help connect with a heartfelt herbal vocation.