Introduction to Cryptolepis Sanguinolenta, Nature’s Antibiotic Root – Canadian Herb Conference
20 minute pre-record 2022 CHC

Introduction to Cryptolepis Sanguinolenta, Nature’s Antibiotic Root

We focus on the herb, Cryptolepis sanguinolenta, a West African herb used traditionally for the treatment of malaria, fevers and diarrhea. We show how the plant grows and we the challenges of farming it. We review some of the research on the root’s significant antibiotic properties and why there is growing interest in using the root for a wider range of diseases such as Lyme disease and babesiosis.

3 learning objectives:

  • To become familiar with the herb and how and where it grows.
  • To learn about its traditional uses and the research that supports those uses.
  • To learn how the herb is being used to treat diseases in North America.
  • Date :
