Marvellous, Mushy, Marshmallow! – Canadian Herb Conference
20 minute pre-record 2023 CHC

Marvellous, Mushy, Marshmallow!

Oh Marshmallow! Let me count the ways I love and use you. In this class, we’ll learn all about the botany, identification, growing, and harvesting of this lovely plant, starting with a hands on demo in my garden. Then, after a brief sharing of its history and folklore, we’ll dive into its medicinal uses, focusing on its benefits for digestion, the respiratory system, immunity, and the urinary tract. In particular, I will share how I use this plant in my clinical practice (which I do often!), including the kind of preparations I find most effective. Come and learn to love this plant and its unique herbal superpower that we call mucilage (otherwise known as herbal slime).

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