Our Micro-Ancestors – An Intensive Study of Herbs, Infection and Your Microbiome Health – Canadian Herb Conference
2024 CHC 75 minute pre-record

Our Micro-Ancestors – An Intensive Study of Herbs, Infection and Your Microbiome Health

Let’s take a deep dive into the micro world of bacteria, viruses, archdeans and phages to discover how these tiny, invisible to your eyes, ancestors support your health and well-being. Let’s talk about herbal medicine that supports the health of the microbes that interact with every part of your body and mind. While offering herbal medicine to support a number of individuals with chronic infections including Lyme disease and auto-immune conditions, I realized that there is a profound need for a new paradigm to understand the relationship between plants, microbes and the human being. As opposed to thinking of herbal medicine as anti-microbial or anti-inflammatory, perhaps we need to consider how herbal medicine supports the health not only of the body and mind, but also the microbiome which leads to the resolution of chronic inflammatory illnesses and resolves chronic infections.

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