Rooted in Community Project: Reintroducing People to the Community of Plants That Share Their Neighbourhoods – Canadian Herb Conference
20 minute pre-record 2022 CHC

Rooted in Community Project: Reintroducing People to the Community of Plants That Share Their Neighbourhoods

Our history with plants has paralleled since the first peoples, they have offered us food, shelter, medicine, wisdom, and continue to provide us all a chance to share in common experience through the appreciation of their beauty and resilience. We cultivate them and share relationships with them in our gardens, parks, public spaces and even in our homes. Plants remind us of our connection to the earth and that we are all related. Tiffany Freeman (harper) and her partner, artist, daniel j kirk, have been leading a series of reimagined plant walks reintroducing people to the community of plants that live in their neighbourhoods through story telling, artist reflections and public art works.

3 learning objectives:

  • Traditional perspective of plants as community members
  • Observing nature in an urban environment
  • Reframing our perspective of ourselves as a part of nature
    • Date :
