Nourishing the Blood – Canadian Herb Conference
2021 workshops

Nourishing the Blood

Nourishing the Blood

60 minutes  

Blood is the vital substance that holds, houses, and creates the life force energy of our body. Throughout the many phases of life our relationship to blood moves to the forefront, pregnancy followed by the postpartum period is one of those times. In the postpartum period blood loss is something that is often overlooked and left “untreated”, even with medical research stating that 1 out of 3 people suffer anemia after childbirth. For those parents without a clinical diagnostic assessment of anemia all birthing parents still exhaust precious resources of blood during labour & delivery, throughout healing processes, disharmonies with lochia and with the use of blood to assist in breast/chest feeding.

In this session we will be discussing the role that blood plays in the postpartum parent and the connections that blood has to the healing of tissues, mental & emotional wellbeing, milk production, overall wellbeing, and resilience as we enter a new phase of our lives.We will be exploring traditional ways to use herbs, foods, and traditional techniques for building blood, healing tissues, milk production, supporting the postpartum birthing parent, and traditional Indigenous nêhiyaw perspective.

  • Date : November 5, 2021
  • Time : 2:15 pm - 2:25 pm (America/Vancouver)
