Walking Meditation: Listening to Nature – Canadian Herb Conference
2022 VIHG Herb Walks

Walking Meditation: Listening to Nature

In this walk, we will be engaging the principles of mindfulness to connect our internal and external experience. Mindful movement is often a gateway into the practical application of mindfulness for those who may find a sitting practice challenging or want to expand their current practice. When we consider how to strengthen our commitment to protecting our precious planet, dedicating our efforts to the act of walking in peace and presence in nature is a simple way to practice respect in action. Our ability to re-connect with nature invites our nervous systems to regulate with the wisdom of the earth. There are no prerequisites to this workshop and all are welcome.

  • Date : June 12, 2022 - June 12, 2022
  • Time : 9:15 am - 10:45 am (America/Vancouver)
  • Venue : Herb Walk


Gaia Fuenzalida

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Sarah West

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Beverley Gray

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Tony Oakworth

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David Knox

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Josh Sarvis & Kelly Dunn

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Angela Willard

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