Mindful Movement (or Walking Meditation) – Canadian Herb Conference
2020 workshops

Mindful Movement (or Walking Meditation)

Mindful Movement (or Walking Meditation)

20 minutes  

In this walk, we will be engaging the principles of mindfulness to connect our internal and external experience.  Mindful movement is often a gateway into the practical application of mindfulness for those who may find a sitting practice challenging or want to practice expanding their current practice.  When we consider how to strengthen our commitment to protecting our precious planet, dedicating our efforts to the act of walking in peace and presence is a simple way to practice conservation in action.  There are no prerequisites to this workshop and all are welcome.

learning objectives

The great Buddhist teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh, describes walking meditation as “first and foremost a practice to bring body and mind together peacefully.”  When we invite unity within ourselves, we can understand the outside world more clearly.  This deeper level of sight allows us to acknowledge the earth we walk on with reverence and presence.  Engaging in mindful movement allows us another opportunity to practice the nine attitudes of mindfulness as detailed by Jon Kabat-Zinn; beginner’s mind, non-judgement, acceptance, letting go, trust, non-striving, patience, generosity and gratitude. Learning objectives would naturally consider that while attachment to outcomes is antithetical to mindfulness as a whole; this workshop intends to serve as an invitation to deepen our personal practice and strengthen our connection to living beings, including ourselves and our planet.

  • Date : November 5, 2020 - November 9, 2020
  • Time : 1:01 pm - 1:01 pm
