Victor Cirone
I am a practicing herbalist based in Toronto, Ontario and registered as a professional member with the Ontario Herbalists Association. My clinical practice is rooted in traditional Western herbal medicine, though I also draw inspiration from anthroposophy, Ayurvedic medicine, homeopathy, and depth psychology. In addition to herbal medicine, I also practice Marma Nadi Chikitsa, an ancient system of rehabilitative healing originating in India.
I work with my patients in order to develop an understanding of health as a dynamic state of being which adapts to changing environmental circumstances and conditions. When we understand how the body and mind relate to the cycles and elements of nature, various disturbances and imbalances can be recognized before they reach the point of crisis.
Herbal medicine is a vehicle through which we can move in the direction of wholeness and equilibrium, from wherever we are. Plant medicines work in concert with the body’s own mechanisms and defenses. As an herbalist I am not interested in forcing the body to change; instead I work to support and facilitate the body’s own innate healing capacities and potentials. Holistic herbal healing does not entail the suppression of symptoms. Rather, it involves developing a clear picture of the underlying patterns of disequilibrium and susceptibility to disease that affect an individual. We work together from this understanding in order to arrive at a place of health, wholeness, and vitality. In addition to my training in herbal medicine, I also hold a BA in Philosophy (University of Toronto) and an MA in Communication and Culture (Ryerson/York). I am a published author and have lectured nationally and internationally on a variety of subjects.