Cheryl Kilback
Cheryl is a registered herbalist who has been with the BC herbalist association for 6 years following completion of her herbal diploma in 2004. She served on the BC CHA Board of Directors between 2009-2012. Her herbal practice focuses on chronic disease management and women’s health. Cheryl also has had an extensive career as a Registered Nurse and still practices in senior and palliative care. In her undergraduate nursing degree Cheryl has a minor in psychology and in her MSN program minored in adult education. She has taken workshops in holistic nutrition and completed level 4 in healing touch and completed the level 3 Bach Flower Practitioner program.
Her relationship with herbs has developed over time– from the use of supplements to a more metaphysical integration of plants. Cheryl enjoys expanding her knowledge of local herbs by working with BC’s First Nations. She serves as a Director on a Vancouver Island Aboriginal board.
Cheryl has a specialty of working with natural health and dogs. She has taken numerous courses in animal behavior and naturopathy. She has worked with various rescues with dogs that have issues with anxiety and fear aggression.