David Casteleijn
I have been in private practice as a Naturopath and Herbalist for around 30 years, sharing my working week as a Registered Nurse for around 20 of those years and teaching Naturopathy and Herbal Medicine at undergraduate level for about 15 years. I completed a Masters Health Science (Herbal Medicine) and in 2017 commenced a PhD research project investigating the whole of practice outcomes for the treatment of Anxiety and Depression by herbal Medicine Practitioners. Elected to the Board of the Naturopaths and Herbalists Association of Australia (NHAA) in 2017 and President in 2019 a key focus of my work on the board has been working towards regulation/registration of the profession in Australia. I joined the officers of the World Naturopathic Federation (WNF) in 2018 and have been involved in the Education committee and the Rapid Review task force.