All in good humour-mental and emotional distress, a humoral viewpoint. – Canadian Herb Conference
2023 CHC 75 minute pre-record

All in good humour-mental and emotional distress, a humoral viewpoint.

Humoral theory is intrinsically holistic, looking to nature as to how disharmony may arise and be resolved. It embraces the material world through its concept of the basic four elements and humours, connecting them with the balance of emotions and mind through its vision of maintaining our spirits. By proposing that imbalance arises out of humoral excess it directs us as to how we might experience freedom from extreme mental and emotion crisis through countering their impact on our temperament and therefore experience release and catharsis. Humoral medicine proposes that we must focus our main attention on using constitutional remedies to bolster our long term balance whilst using short term interventions to allay symptoms when they arise. We will explore the basis of this approach, and how we might identify which constitutional and supportive herbs and strategies are required. We will consider a range of plants, their constitutional impact as well as their symptomatic effects, and use examples of patient experiences and histories as illustrations for each plant.

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