Sex, Drugs, & Evolution – Exploring the Potential and the Pitfalls of the Psychedelic Renaissance – Canadian Herb Conference
2020 workshops

Sex, Drugs, & Evolution – Exploring the Potential and the Pitfalls of the Psychedelic Renaissance

Sex, Drugs, & Evolution – Exploring the Potential and the Pitfalls of the Psychedelic Renaissance 

75 minutes  

As we travel further into a planetary healing crisis we are seeing increased use of entheogenic plants for self-healing and personal transformation. As a culture we need to have the conversation of who should best avoid such journeys, and how to increase the positive outcomes of such an ancient technology during this pivotal time in history. As an Herbalist, I have seen many people benefit from visionary plants and fungi but I have also seen the opposite. Here we explore how we can evolve the preparation for and integration of such journeys.  I will also share plants and practices that can help restore balance in those who are struggling to ground and restabilize their sense of self and harmonize the body and mind. 

  • Date : November 5, 2020 - November 9, 2020
  • Time : 1:01 pm - 1:01 pm
