Jasmyn Clift
Jasmyn Clift is a clinical herbalist, medicine maker, herb teacher, medicinal plant farmer, rose grower, and wildcrafter. Jasmyn has been practicing herbal medicine and flower essence therapies since 1996.
In 1997 Jasmyn founded the BC Compassion Club Society Wellness Center, with a clarity that all people deserve healing, regardless of their ability to pay. She continues to nurture this dream to this day. This center has gone on to become the largest non profit holistic health clinic in N.America, with one of the largest herbal apothecaries in Canada.
Jasmyn has studied herbal medicine in California, Arizona, and England. Her teachers have included the late Michael Moore, James Green, Adam Seller- but most of all the plants and her amazing diverse clients themselves.
She is also the founder of the Saltspring-Island based Wild Seed School of Herbal Studies. WSSHS has been offering all levels of herbal education since 2008. She is an animal lover and dog rescuer.
Jasmyn respectfully acknowledges that she lives and works within the ancestral and unceded traditional territory of the Hul’qumi’num and SENĆOŦEN speaking peoples.
3 Eclectic Formulas and Michael Moore Walk Into a Bar
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