Savayda Jarone
Savayda Jarone has been on the plant path for nearly 30 years; since her life-altering discovery of herbal medicine in a quaint courtyard in Covent Garden, London.
She is Nova Scotian, residing on the rugged Eastern Shore where she is currently in “gardening school”, learning to build soil on a rocky landscape, with the goal of creating herbal teaching gardens. She operates a herbal clinic and apothecary in Halifax, also home to her school, the Bloom Institute of Holistic Living & Learning, a hub for herbal and health education in the Maritimes.
She is now in her 22 nd year of clinical practice, specializing in women’s health, baby/child care, digestion, immune health, stress, and endocrine balance. She is a Fertility Awareness educator, helping women and couples to plan or prevent pregnancy naturally.
Before discovering herbal medicine, Savayda wanted to become a language interpreter; little did she know that her focus would become the language of plants. Savayda shines as a bridge between the plant/people worlds; she offers various courses for children and adults, herb walks, and workshops throughout the Maritimes, connecting people with local and native plant medicines.
Her love and awe of plants is contagious. Savayda has always been an enthusiastic promoter of the profession of herbal medicine, working as a founding member of the Canadian Council of Herbalist Associations since its birth in 2005, as well as an active member of the Herbalist Association of Nova Scotia since 2002.
She is honoured to walk the path of ancient and modern herbalists, and is dedicated to building momentum in the revival of the practice of herbal medicine, which in her experience holds many of the answers for genuine health and healing. She is delighted to play a role in the emergence of new herbal practitioners in Canada by offering clinical training practicums in person and online
at the Bloom Institute.
She would like to acknowledge her beginnings as a herb student in Vancouver, where she attended Dominion Herbal College to complete the four-year Phytotherapy Program from the School of Phytotherapy in England, as well as her practical training in medicine making, Ayurveda and Haida medicine with Don Ollsin. She owes many thanks to her mentor, Chanchal Cabrera, who provided the opportunity to learn on the job while working at Gaia Garden Herbals in Vancouver for 5 years, in the company of other eminent herbalists.
She looks forward to connecting with friends and herbal colleagues from British Columbia and everywhere in between during the 2020 Canadian Herb Conference.