Sharie Hohn
Sharie’s story began in the early 80’s as a teenager looking for answers to an illness that the Western Medical society had no answers for. Working with a homeopath, as a last hope, turned her health around and she hasn’t looked back.
Sharie started working in the natural health field in 1991. Since then she has owned a highly successful health food store for 20 years, completed a Master Herbalist program through Emerson Institute of Herbal Studies in 1993 and continued her herbal studies through the Wild Rose College in Calgary, Alberta throughout the 90’s.
Branching out, Sharie received training in Live and Dried Blood Analysis, Biological Terrain Assessment and Iridology and started a private practice in 1998. She combines the information obtained from these clinical screening methods with the knowledge of the chakras, Classical Chinese Medicine principles and the five element theory to guide her clients on their journey to health. Sharie also uses Sound Touch Therapy, with tuning forks, opening up acupuncture meridians and points to enable the magical healing power of herbs to penetrate deeper into the body. She uses flower essence therapy and Theta Healing to bring in the energetics of working with the plants from the second plane of existence, which brings a deeper level of healing to unravel the emotional aspects related to dis-ease rather than working from the physical realm alone.
Sharie worked as the Western Canadian trainer for Trophic Canada and Garden of Life from 2010 to 2013 and has conducted many public lectures from Toronto to Vancouver Island on the use of herbs and natural supplements for better health. Her passion lies in conducting workshops and with her private practice, Journey To Health, Health & Wellness Consulting in Medicine Hat, Alberta.