Robert Rogers
Robert has been a student of plant medicine most of his adult life. He is a professional member of the American Herbalist Guild and author of over 50 books on medicinal plants of Western Canada. Robert has a Bachelor’s Degree in Botany. He has taught plant medicine for over 40 years and is an avid fan of our indigenous plants and mushrooms. Robert has had a long career in the alternative health field. Robert is recognized as an Herbal Elder with 50 years of work as an herbalist. Robert taught for over thirty years, including 10 years at Grant McEwan University, and 15 at Northern Star College in Edmonton. He did 18 years of clinical practice. He works as a consultant to various boards and industries advising growers and creating herbal formulas.
Robert and his wife Laurie are owners of Self Heal Distributing and Scents of Wonder essential oils. Robert is the co-director of the Earth Spirit Medicine Program, at Northern Star College.