Fifty Shades of Grey: The Drug & Herb Interaction Continuum – Canadian Herb Conference
2022 VIHG Workshops

Fifty Shades of Grey: The Drug & Herb Interaction Continuum

Dr Glen Nagel in a talk on the potential of drug/ herb interactions. This talk will cover practical knowledge and common concerns for the working retail pharmacist in the grey area of potential interactions. Dr Nagel will talk about the most common herbs and the perceived potential for interactions and the reality of interactions. He will deliver a 5 question method for determining the potential for drug-herb interactions. There will also be an overview of resources for herbalists and naturopaths.

  • Date : June 12, 2022 - June 12, 2022
  • Time : 11:00 am - 12:30 pm (America/Vancouver)
  • Venue : Tent 1


Gaia Fuenzalida

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Sarah West

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Beverley Gray

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Tony Oakworth

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David Knox

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Josh Sarvis & Kelly Dunn

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Angela Willard

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Kalyn Kodiak

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